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Imagination Rehabilitation

Imagination Rehabilitation

How does design culture limit our imagination? These articles help you unlearn the design industry’s assumptions.

Thinking beyond the 20th century’s reductive design methods

Thinking beyond the 20th century’s reductive design methods

We've entered the "find out" phase of the "fuck around and find out" climate cycle. Will that force a change to long-entrenched design methods?

Text on a red background that reads 'Less, but better.'

Unpacking AI's lofty promises and lowly returns

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 15

All-caps text on a green background that reads, "Degrowth in design." "Growth" is struck through.

A new metric for design beyond ‘growth’

What is “degrowth,” and how can it influence design?

Imperfectly perfect design

Imperfectly perfect design

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 13

A street fighter intro screen. "Fake people with 12 fingers" vs. "The literal planet you're on."

Designers, choose your player: AI or Earth

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 12

A woman read a text message from her Friend AI wearable.

What makes a friend?

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 11

A woman at a desk using her laptop while the room fills with water

Do we really need to learn about the climate crisis? We’re just designers, after all.

In the design industry, the climate crisis seems like a spectator sport. How can reimagining our arms-length relationship with it help push us toward action?

A series of meteors hit a cloud-covered earth at sunset. Vantage point is in-between the cloud layers

🍄 Growth Imperatives No. 10: Origins

This week, we look at how the stories we tell ourselves affect the narratives we act out.

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