Even if design drives culture, we have to ask, "Who's at the wheel? And where are they driving to?"
Lukas Yonis Abubeker
A designer and creative director with more than a decade of experience. Since 2019, the climate crisis has pushed him to develop a critical perspective on technology, social progress, and economics.
We're dying for community, but individualize everything. Why is that?
The worldview that made design is dying a slow death, but change tends to happen not-at-all, and then all-at-once.
Global tech culture is splitting into two visions of the future: erasing humanity and rekindling it. Which side are you on?
How could changing our definition of βgood designβ help the industry address the climate crisis?
Familiar framings can lock us into familiar solutions. What happens when we suspend reality and imagine new processes?
We're more aware than ever of climate change, but how does a purely technical approach affect how we see the crisis?
Models affect how we see reality and the actions we take, so changing how they work can be a significant leverage point for creating the world we want.
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