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Lukas Yonis Abubeker
Lukas Yonis Abubeker

Lukas Yonis Abubeker


A designer and creative director with more than a decade of experience. Since 2019, the climate crisis has pushed him to develop a critical perspective on technology, social progress, and economics.

Text on a red background that reads 'Less, but better.'

Unpacking AI's lofty promises and lowly returns

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 15

All-caps text on a green background that reads, "Degrowth in design." "Growth" is struck through.

A new metric for design beyond ‘growth’

What is “degrowth,” and how can it influence design?

Typography that says, "culture is key."

Power, Politics, and Climate Change

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 14

Three speckled circles on a red background. The circles are set in colors that clash and vibrate.

Friction is a reminder

Much of the design industry's work is centered on making life as simple as possible, but what happens when that idea is taken too far?

Imperfectly perfect design

Imperfectly perfect design

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 13

The Grand Canyon with a gradient map applied. There is a gold leaf texture applied on top of the gradient map.

Crossing design’s climate skill chasm

The tools, mindsets, and actions that got us here won't get us there.

A street fighter intro screen. "Fake people with 12 fingers" vs. "The literal planet you're on."

Designers, choose your player: AI or Earth

🍄 Growth Imperatives, No. 12

A woman set in a 'solarpunk' future creates artificial rain for her garden.

Does ‘climate branding’ miss the bigger picture of systems change?

This sub-category in branding acts like FlexTape on the ruptured water tank of climate change.

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